Saturday, July 27, 2013

Starting show and tell

I went ahead and told my closest classmate about the baby. She was thrilled! I have sworn her to secrecy and asked her not to say anything at school. Unfortunately, we do not have any classes together and rarely see each other in the hallways, but at least there are fewer slip-ups that could happen.

On Wednesday, I am meeting with my career advisor to talk to her about my schedule. I wonder how she will react to the news. I am still undecided about whether I should tell the professor for whom I work as a research assistant. I suppose I should let her know before I leave. I do not have a lot of close relationships with my professors. It's a small school, and I do not really know how pregnant students are regarded. 

We have a plan for telling everyone. After we move, a relative of ours is having a baby shower. A bunch of our family members are coming in from out of town, and two of them are staying with us. We are going to start telling people then, although not at the shower itself. After that, we are going to start calling our friends. I've been sewing our "costumes" that we will wear for our Facebook announcement, which will probably go up once my summer classes are over in early August. 

I went to my first midwife appointment yesterday. Amazingly, she is also pregnant and due within two days of my due date! Apparently this kiddo is hiding pretty well in my body, as we could only hear its heartbeat for short periods of time. My pants are starting not to fit so well, so I bought another beband from Target. I wish there was a similar option for shirts, as my breasts are starting to strain against my favorite Ts.

This week has been full of packing for the move on Thursday. My husband will return home from his work trip tomorrow, and I hope he is ready for 24-7 packing. 

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