Sunday, August 18, 2013

Stretching it out

We shared the news with everyone, including my classmates, after my last class. It went over very well! I have not run into any of my classmates since, but many of them have sent their congratulations. If there are any negative opinions, I am sure that I won't hear them until I return to school.

This week, I went back to visit some friends in the state that I worked in before going back to law school. It was wonderful seeing so many friends, including a couple of particularly close friends. Several of them have babies or are pregnant, so I sought their advice. One of them gave me a whole bunch of maternity clothes that she didn't wear during her pregnancy, which was so incredibly nice. A bunch of the things she gave me are work-appropriate. I also visited a Goodwill location in my old town and picked up a maternity button-up shirt, a cardigan that I can wear now and keep open when I'm larger and a plaid shirt. For some reason, I am obsessed with the idea of wearing a cute plaid shirt with a belt once I am showing.

I am starting an internship tomorrow, and I will need to tell my new employer that I am pregnant before it becomes too obvious and weird if I didn't mention it. My advisor told me that pregnant students at my school have not had a problem obtaining internships and summer associate positions, so I remain hopeful that it will be the same way when I have to apply for more internships later this year.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Moving and telling the world

We are officially in the second trimester! On Saturday, we started telling the rest of our family and some other friends about the kiddo, who is the size of a peach right now. I have created our Facebook announcement, which will go up later this week once my last special class is over.

Moving this week was absolutely crazy. Anything that could go wrong did -- the move took longer than we thought and we owed more money, one of our cats caused my husband to go to the emergency room and I managed to get a key stuck in our deadbolt and now it doesn't work correctly. However, we're doing fine now and unpacking is going well. We're trying to keep the nursery as clear as possible so we don't get used to storing items in that space.

I have been having a hard time focusing on law school this summer. I have a few papers that I need to submit in the next two weeks, so I had to stay home today from a family event and write more one of them. I have a hard time sometimes figuring out how much work I need to do each day in order to finish on time, and I can only focus for about three hours a day on my papers. 

I was supposed to meet with my advisor last week, but she cancelled at the last minute. I always seem to have appointments when she has serious life events -- stolen phone, sudden passing of a close relative, etc. I'm starting to think that I may be a bad omen in her life, so I am setting up an appointment with another advisor who I like since he is available sooner rather than later.